Baba Taher Oryan Hamadani

Baba Taher Oryan Hamadani

According to one source, he died in 1019 AD. and, in the case of being reliable, Baba Taher was a contemporary of Ferdowsi and Avicenna and an immediate forerunner of Omar Khayyam. It is said that he lived to be 75 years old. It is claimed that he was a member of the “Ahl-e Haq” sect (dervish or follower of the truth) and that his sister Bibi Fatimeh is also respected by this community. Baba Taher Oryan Hamadani was one of the most eminent mystics of his time. He was from Hamadan, a cultured and omniscient man (which means hama dan in Persian). His popular name Oryan means “naked.” Baba Taher is known for his do-beytis (couplets) and quartets. Baba Taher’s poems are accompanied by sehtar (a three-stringed musical instrument). The Baba Taher quatrains are written with a local accent, so they should be recited with the strong accent of his city, Hamadan. Baba Taher’s quatrains were sung in the Pahlavi dialect and have adopted their present form over time, and have a loving, mystical and philosophical connotation.


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