

Simorghand Mount Qaf

Attar, the great Iranian poet of the twelfth century, describes in The Language of the Birds the journey that these birds undertake in search of their king. Guided by the hoopoe, a bird rich in mythological associations that was Solomon’s companion and can avoid mirages and spot pools of water from a distance, they set out for Mount Qaf, where Simorgh, the king of birds, lives. Many of them cannot bear the heat, hunger and thirst and, for fear of the unknown, they prefer not to overtake any further. Others show the courage to face dangers. Due to the lack of food, water and shade, many die on the way. Only thirty birds (in Persian, si-morq) reach their goal, flying over Qaf and discovering their “inner self”

And so these thirty birds saw the Simorgh’s face reflected in their own face and realized that the Simorgh was nothing more than themselves.

The differences between phoenix and Simorgh:

1- Phoenix is ​​not considered a mythical Iranian creature and should not be confused, as Phoenix originates from Greece not from ancient Persia. On the contrary, Simorgh belongs to Iranian mythology.

2- Phoenix is ​​the only bird that has to die to be born, but Simorgh is a bird in its prime also known under the name “Homa-e Saadat”.

3- Simorgh is the symbol of unity, of the superior world, the bird of God and the manifestation of the soul and that of the perfect man; but phoenix is ​​the symbol of immortality.

4- Simorgh, according to Iranian poems, is a supernatural, abstract, theological, and omniscient creature. Notably, Attar Nishapuri also considers the phoenix to be an imaginary creature. Nima Yushich, a contemporary Iranian poet, has dedicated a poem to Qoqnus (phoenix). Nima has used the phoenix metaphorically in her poem, presenting his desire for literary rebirth and breaking with the norms of classical Persian poetry.

5-For Iranians, Simorgh is not just a bird, but a spiritual and mystical being. However, phoenix is ​​considered an eternal creature. Of course, this could be a reflection of the human subconscious, which wishes for immortality. However, according to Attar, phoenix is ​​also considered deadly.


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