
 Despite Iran’s rules that stipulate certain types of clothing for men, choosing attire for men is not a complicated matter. Shorts are forbidden in public places, but short-sleeved shirts are acceptable. It is important to avoid wearing clothes with offensive signs.

Foreign tourists have to wear clothes that respect country’s rules, although they are not very strict for tourists. Women should wear a scarf to cover their hair and not very tight or short-sleeved clothes. It is advisable to wear sunglasses and caps in summer, and there is no limit in wearing shoes without socks such as sandals… Although, it is preferable to put on resistant sneakers.

Since swimming pool schedules for men and women are made in a way that they do not coincide and there are exclusive beaches for women, you can wear any kind of swimsuit that you want.

There are no restrictions on that regard. Contrary to this belief, we recommend wearing light colors, especially in summer.