The city of Neyriz is one of the oldest in the province of Fars, with an altitude of 1795 meters above sea level, and is located at a distance of about 230 kilometers east of Shiraz, the name of Neyriz has been mentioned on the Persepolis tablets. Its agricultural products are almond, walnut and pomegranate. Neyriz pomegranate is famous for its special flavor and freshness. In fact, in this city there are more than 10 types of pomegranate that differ from each other by their taste, color and size.
Aljama Mosque of Neyriz
This mosque is one of the historical buildings and one of the oldest mosques built in the first centuries of Islam. Some believe that this mosque was a fire temple during the Sassanid period, from where the sacred fire was brought from the Karian fire temple, so there is no doubt that there was a fire temple in Neyriz before the arrival of the Islam. With the passage of time and the evolution of the cult, the fire temple gave way to the current Islamic mosque. The most important research on this mosque was carried out by André Godard in the early 20th century and was published in French and later translated into other languages. The oldest history of this mosque is that of the altar which probably predates the construction of the mosque. The architectural transition of this mosque dates from the Sassanid era, which continued until the first centuries of Islam. According to André Godard, the original mosque was nothing more than a simple structure to which houses and other buildings were added over the centuries.
All the inscriptions are engraved on the portico and inside, around and next to the altar. The main feature of the arrangement of this mosque is a deep portico (18m deep and 7.5m wide) extended to the rear wall, where the altar is located. In front of this portico there is a rectangular courtyard to which the arcades and the north portico were later added. This mosque is one of the oldest of the Islamic period that has a single minaret, such as the Aljama Mosque of Nain. The architect of this mosque knew the architecture of the Sassanid period and used it as the basis of construction. The porticoes of the buildings comparable to this one are: the portico of the palace of Firuzabad, the stone arches of the Sassanid period and, at a higher level, the Arch of Chosroes in Ctesiphon.
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